Monday, December 15, 2014

Self Pity Pit

Sisterhood Of Widows  S.O.W.  Psalm 126:5-6  Please share on your Facebook so that others can see my blogs and maybe help them through their grief.

Good Monday evening!!

It's a start of a new week.  We made it through a busy weekend and now Monday evening is winding down.  How was your weekend?  I am praying that it was a relaxing one and that you were all able to enjoy time with family and friends and maybe enjoy some Christmas activities.  I know this time of year is difficult.  I have a thirteen year old daughter that loves Christmas so I try to keep our traditions going plus we have added a couple of new ones since Kirk has passed.  I know all too well how difficult it is to press on. 

I think one of the most difficult times for me is when I am out shopping by myself.  Kirk and I would take an evening or maybe two and eat dinner out and then do some shopping for Emily.  I treasure these memories because we would have a good time and he always came up with great gift ideas for her.  One of the stores we would always go to was Barnes and Noble.  Emily is an intelligent girl and she loves books.  Kirk would walk into Barnes and Noble and was able to pick out books for her and every year she loved them.  She treasures those books now.  Kirk's main focus for her was her schooling.  He always told her she would go to college and have a great career at whatever she chooses to do with her life.  So as she treasures her books, I treasure my memories of our shopping trips.  Now that Kirk is gone to his Heavenly home, I am left to shop by myself. 

I have caught myself envying couples that I see out shopping together.  I find myself longing to have that again.  And after a while, self pity starts to creep into my mind.  I start to pity myself for being alone and for having to be out by myself when I didn't choose this new path.  Self pity is human nature and we all do it from time to time.  I can tell you that self pity is straight from our enemy.  He wants us to feel that pity down to our core so we will then start to doubt our faith and trust in Jesus.  One of the daily devotionals that I read is from Sarah Young and she wrote a book called "Jesus Calling".  If you have not purchased this devotional, I encourage you to do so.  On self pity she writes, "Be on guard against the pit of self-pity.  When you are weary or unwell, this demonic trap is the greatest danger you face."  I believe that statement.  That pit has a slippery edge and when you get to close, you WILL lose footing and tumble in head first.  Once you are in there, it's hard to climb out.  When you find yourself in that pit, you must cry out to the Lord for help.  He will deliver you from that dark, evil trap.

In Psalm 40:1-3 NIV, we find David praising God for his deliverance from his pit of despair.  It reads, "I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God."  God will do for you as he did for David.  When you find yourself in that pit, don't let it devour you.  Don't let the enemy enjoy seeing you down there in the mud and mire, doubting God and His plans for you.  In Jeremiah 29:11 NIV it says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  If you memorize any Bible verse, memorize this one!!!  This is God's promise to all of us, even those of us in that pit.  Just cry out to God, ask him to rescue you from that pit and I promise you He will hear you and He will deliver you and make you new!! 

Lord, please hear our cries when we are down in our self-pity pits.  I pray that when we are down there, we find the strength and courage to call out to you.  Lord I know You are ALWAYS with us and You love us!! I know we were not created to live a life down in the dark hole in the mud and mire.  We were created to fellowship with You and live in Your light and love.  Lord thank you for hearing us and saving us from the enemy.  Thank you for our Savior Jesus Christ and for loving us when we are not lovable!! In Jesus's precious name I pray Amen!!

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