Thursday, February 5, 2015


Sisterhood of Widows S.O.W.  Psalm 126:5-6  Please share on your Facebook so that others can see my blogs and maybe help them through their grief.

Happy February Everyone!!

We made it!!!  January 2015 is in the rearview mirror and I guess the groundhog is saying we have six weeks until spring.  I don't know about all of that, but one thing we do know is that at some point spring will come!!  I thank Jesus for spring and the warmer weather!! 

The last couple of weeks have been rough for me physically and emotionally.  I am normally a pretty healthy person.  I watch what I eat and try to avoid as many germs as I can.  Working in a doctors office makes it difficult some times but I do a pretty good job of dodging the latest virus or superbug.  I had just talked to a couple of my friends that Kirk was normally always the one that was sick first.  He would bring home a stomach virus or a cold and then Emily and I would follow by a couple of days of being sick.  We had been pretty lucky the last three years with just minor colds or allergy season snags but my luck ran out almost two weeks ago.  I'm not sure if it was a bug or if it was a flare up of my stomach issue, but I sure got sick and was in bed for a day and a half.  Now for those of you that know me well, that does not happen to me.  So as I laid in bed all day on a Sunday, Emily went with my parents to church and my sister took care of her and took her and my niece to a birthday party.  I was really bummed that I missed the party and was in bed all day.  The house was quiet and dark.  This was the first time since Kirk passed that I had been that sick.  I can tell you I sure did miss him checking on me and making sure I had what I needed.  He would always bounce back quick from his sickness, but it takes me a day or so longer only because I refuse to make my belly even more upset.  He would tell me to eat, and I would refuse and then whine because I was starving but I was afraid to anger it more!!  I had to call in to work that Monday but I still needed time to recoup and by Tuesday night I was back to myself. 

Then a week later, this past Tuesday, we lost our little guinea pig Chip.  I am very upset by his passing.  It sounds silly but Chip has a story.  Chip lived in Texas as a baby and he came to live with us right before Kirk passed.  Emily called me several times begging to bring Chip home, my niece was planning on bringing his brother Dale home with her.  So Kirk told her that if her Uncle Brian said yes to Dale then he would say yes to Chip.  After Kirk got off the phone with her he smirked and said, "There is no way Brian is going to say yes to Zoey to bring back that guinea pig."  Well to our surprise, Brian said yes so Kirk had to say yes to Emily.  The girls were elated and Kirk felt betrayed by Brian!! Hahaha...I was excited, I love guinea pigs.  I had one as a kid and I loved her.  So we adopted Chip and he came home the Friday night before Kirk suddenly passed.  Kirk got to see Chip right before he went to bed and he smirked and left Emily's room.  We were out buying Chip's new home and food the Saturday that Kirk's accident happened.  Chip was such a sweet pig, he would squeal and chatter at me.  I would sit and talk to him and cry and he would come to that side of the cage and "listen" to me.  I know it sounds crazy but he was a comfort to me.  He would let me love on him and he seemed like he understood.  So when he passed this Tuesday late afternoon I felt like I lost part of my family.  I felt like I lost part of that time period when my world fell apart and I just wanted relief and comfort.  My Chip was such a good listener and never judged.  Have you had a pet that helped you?  Maybe it's a dog or kitty.  We have two dogs that bring great comfort too, but I always told Chip he was my favorite. :)

Now let me tell you about my ultimate Comforter!!  I have a Savior that is always available for a conversation.  I will never have to worry about Him leaving me or passing away because Jesus is eternal, an everlasting God.  He is a Healer, who not only heals us physically but emotionally and spiritually.  In 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV it says, "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."  We all look for comfort from people, pets, and material possessions, it's only human that we do this.  But so many of us miss receiving comfort, healing and grace from our Lord Jesus Christ.  But here is more Good News, Jesus doesn't want you to miss out!!! He is waiting for you to call out to Him.  In Isaiah 46:4 NIV we are told, "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."  Jesus wants you to call out to Him and he will carry you; comfort you; and heal you.  Isn't His grace incredible!!

Lord I pray for comfort and healing for all of us that are hurt and broken.  I pray for everyone that has not called out to you that they open up their hearts and accept You.  I don't want anyone to miss out on Your Grace!!!  Only you Lord can carry us and our heavy burdens.  Jesus Lord thank you for loving us!!

This is for my Chip!!

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