Thursday, January 1, 2015

Holiday Edition

Sisterhood of Widows S.O.W.  Psalm 126:5-6  Please share on your Facebook so that others can see my blogs and maybe help them through their grief.

Happy New Year to all of you!!  I am so sorry that I haven't written in a bit.  Christmas had us very busy with gatherings, work, shopping, and sleep. I think everyone has had the same crunch of time; just a busy time of year.  So a late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you!!  I hope 2015 brings you healing, hope, and a crisp new start in this stage of your life. 

Christmas Eve as I was cleaning my home for that night's festivities, I was thinking how everyone says how Christmas is for children.  That saying is true, oh how I remember how excited I would get for Christmas Eve and morning. That magical feeling that only Christmas could bring.  As I was thinking about that, I got to thinking about my daughter Emily and how she must feel now that Kirk, her dad is gone.  I wonder if she still gets that magical feeling for Christmas or if it eludes her now too.  Don't get me wrong, I do talk to her about Kirk and how she feels about everything and she tells me she is fine and that everything is okay.  But how can it be okay?  She is a very strong young lady but sometimes I feel she is too strong.  She doesn't show emotion a lot and I feel she wants to put on a brave face for me and everyone else in the family, but the void that Kirk left is unavoidable.  Christmas morning is when I feel it the most.  He's not here to have the tv going with the yule log and the Christmas music playing.  He's not here to play Santa and to hand out gifts and then make his awesome pancakes.  That is an earthly void that is hard to bear.  How can I fill that kind of void?  How can I continue to be her mother and be a worthy one for her when I am also playing the role of her father.  I remember verses that my counselor talked to me about regarding this situation.  Psalm 68:4-5 NIV says, "Sing to God, sing in praise of his name, extol him who rides on the clouds; rejoice before him - his name is the Lord.  A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling."  This verse gives hope to the disadvantage such as widows and the fatherless because only through God can we find hope.  I know that I don't have to do this alone, God tells me in this verse that He is with me every step of the way.  God is always there for us, but when earthly fathers leave their children, God IS and WILL be there to help widows father their children.  I pray all the time that He will help me and show me the way to fill that void.  So far, God has answered my cries for help!!

God favors widows and the fatherless.  There are many verses in the Bible that shows us how He is on our side and He promises us that He will be there.  In Psalm 146:9 NIV it states, "The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but He frustrates the ways of the wicked."  Never feel like you are alone on this journey.  God is there right beside us, holding our hands and leading us when we allow Him to lead.  God gives us a gift and it's called free will.  Our God doesn't force himself on us, He waits for us to call out to Him.  I call out to him in my prayers to help me raise Emily the best that I humanly can.  I am human, I will make mistakes but with God's promises and help I have hope that Emily and I will come out of this journey intact and totally in love with God and His Word.

My prayer for all of you tonight is that you have accepted Jesus into your heart and asked for His forgiveness.  I pray that you call out to Him and ask for help in raising your children if you have young children at home.  I pray that you ask God to show you the way to comfort your children no matter what their age may be. God will heal you and restore you and your family.  God sent His Son Jesus to reconcile us back to Him.  I lift each one of you and your children up in prayer!!!  You are never alone!!

God Bless each one of you and may 2015 be a year of new beginnings, new healing, and a new relationship with God, the Great I Am!!!

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